These Simple Tips Can Help You Convince Your Team to Implement New Technology

These Simple Tips Can Help You Convince Your Team to Implement New Technology

These Simple Tips Can Help You Convince Your Team to Implement New Technology

Posted on December 12, 2019

These Simple Tips Can Help You Convince Your Team to Implement New Technology

No matter what industry you work in, getting staff on board to make any type of change can be a real challenge. At Fund Control, we work in the construction technology industry and we know that many people can feel that their current way of doing things is the best way of doing things. The truth though is that technology can make many jobs easier and more effective.

Keep reading to get a few tips on how you can encourage your team to get on board with new technology. If you have questions about our unique fund control software, contact us at 800-625-5972 or for a free demo.

Highlight Where the Problems Exist

It is often the case that people do not want to get on board with changes because they do not think there is a reason to – they do not see that problems exist. Show your fellow employees the pain points. Show them where they struggle with tracking finances, where they are required to fill in the same info into several different programs, and what consequences have resulted from these pain points, whether lost time or lots profit.

Get Answers to Questions Before They Are Asked

It is wise to research the options and know them inside and out thoroughly. If you come to a determination about which is best, talk to the sales staff to get the facts you need. Once you go to those in charge to determine if the technology will be an option or not, you should have all the information possible. When they ask questions, have the answers. When they throw up roadblocks, give them the way around.

Make the Benefits Known

So you’ve communicated that there are pain points this technology can help with – but does it have other benefits? How is it going to save money? How is it going to lower overhead costs? How is to going to improve employee morale or make jobs easier to perform? Have specific, demonstrable benefits, not just generic talking points.

Find Out Who Else Has Used the Technology in Question

If you are considering a technology that has been successful for others in your field, or in adjacent fields, then it is worth compiling data on this. If a person knows that the software in question has been successful for others in the past, they are likely to be more interested.

At Fund Control we can provide free demos of your software products to show you and other decision-makers just how much of a difference it can make. Call us now at 800-625-5972 to learn more or to get started.