Banking Software for Loan Management

Banking Software for Loan Management

Our Banking Software for Loan Management can revolutionize the way you do business

Every construction company wishes they could lower costs while improving efficiency but this seems like nothing more than a hoop dream. At Fund Control, we are here to tell you that it is possible. Our Banking Software for Loan Management makes it easy for you to service loans, get instant shots of performance, and enter all information into just a single database. Keep reading for more information and then contact us at 800-625-5972 or for a free online demonstration.

Banking Software for Loan Management can save your company a significant amount of time

There are many reasons that our software is a great asset for your company and none is more important than the fact that it saves you time. Your staff can spend less time on individual loan accounts without seeing their accuracy plummet. The Banking Software for Loan Management is a single-entry system, which means that your staff must enter vital information just once and it is available throughout the system. Not only does this save your time, but you can count on your staff’s relief at being relived of this tedious data entry work.
Make errors a problem of the past

People make errors for all sorts of reasons but they can be exacerbated when it is necessary to enter the same information into many different fields. When you choose Fund Control for our Banking Software for Loan Management, our goal is to ensure that you need enter information only once – which can significantly decrease the probability of making an error. There is no denying it – reducing redundancy is a great way to reduce error rates.

Banking Software for Loan Management is here for you no matter where you are

It wasn’t long ago that the entire office was literally inside the same office. In many cases, this is no longer the case as satellite offices open, people work from home, and other unique solutions are found. You can use our software to run stress tests, you can access and enter your data, and you can run reports from anywhere you can sign into your account. This cloud-based solution offers the latest in mobile technology.

Contact us now to learn about 800+ possible customizations

When we were creating our Banking Software for Loan Management, we knew that we needed something that would be customizable for a wide range of folks. This is why we have more than 800 potential settings. We can also adjust these for you depending on your needs. To find out more just reach out to Fund Control at 800-625-5972 or We are happy to offer a free online demo so you can see our products in action.