Our Software Provides Many Benefits Including These Five Budgeting Elements

Our Software Provides Many Benefits Including These Five Budgeting Elements

Our Software Provides Many Benefits Including These Five Budgeting Elements

Posted on July 8, 2020

Our Software Provides Many Benefits Including These Five Budgeting Elements

Tracking your budget can be difficult for any company, and this is doubly true for disbursement companies. Until Fund Control, there has not been a truly customizable option that can give you than budgeting help you need. Today we bring five budgeting elements that can change the way you do business. Keep reading to learn about those five benefits and then contact us at 800-625-5972 if you would like to request a free demo.

  1. Keep Original Budgets Untouched
  2. Anyone experienced in this industry knows that the budget they start with and the end budget are not always very similar at all. However, you do need your original budget for a host of reasons, including reviews to improve the chance that your next budget will be on the mark. When you work with Fund Control, our software automatically saves the original and all drafts that follow so you can easily review them.

  3. Track All Changes
  4. Just as you need to keep track of all original budgets, you need to know about all changes. Our budget allows you to see not only the first and final drafts, but all that came in between. What’s more, it tracks when the changes were made and which logged-in user made them. If there is a transaction or edit to the budget that doesn’t seem to make sense, it is easy to see who made the change and to then question them about it.

  5. Our Product Can Handle Reallocations
  6. When it comes to reallocations, you need a robust Fund Control program that can quickly move items from one file to another – all while creating the digital trail you need for auditing purposes. You can also customize exactly what happens when you reallocate a loan or funds.

  7. Group Everything by Category
  8. Anyone who has experience with a budget knows that no number exists on its own. Items exist in relation to each other. Items exist within categories. Our system has categories built in but you can also add your own categories. You can add one item to a single category or too many. We make it totally customizable and flexible to ensure that it can meet any needs.

  9. We Make Templates Work for You
  10. Who wants to type up the same document over and over again? You have budgets that are similar in some ways and different in others. We offer pre-made templates that can get you kick started, as well as the option to create your own template. Either way, you can make the most of your experience with our services by using templates.

Are you curious to know more about our services and how they can help you? Do you want to see a free demo and learn how Fund Control can help? Contact us by phone at 800-625-5972 or email at info@eclsoftware.com. We look forward to helping you.