How Can Fund Control Help with Construction Contacts and Communication?

How Can Fund Control Help with Construction Contacts and Communication?

How Can Fund Control Help with Construction Contacts and Communication?

Posted on May 19, 2021

How Can Fund Control Help with Construction Contacts and Communication? There are many reasons that companies have issues with their construction contacts and communication. In the past, they have often tried to take a program that was built for another industry – or no industry in particular – and force it to fit their needs. This is not the case when you work with Fund Control. Keep reading to find out how we can help, or just call us now at 800-625-5972 to request a free demo.

The Three Benefits of Using Our Fund Control Solution

The award-winning solution we offer has three main benefits that help our clients. First, it helps increase productivity. Second, it is very efficient and allows you to quickly enter the information you need and then quickly recover it when you need it. Third, it lowers the inherent risk for your company. How much would you pay to avoid risk or costly mistakes? We can assure you that our software costs much less than that.

Many Types of Companies Benefit from Our Software

We are proud to say that there are many types of companies and organizations that benefit from working with our software. This includes banks, mortgage companies, private lenders, and disbursement control companies.

It is Very Easy to Set Up for Your Exact Specifications

As we always say, your fund control software should work for you – you should not have to work for it. We make it very easy to set up our software to your unique specifications. We offer 800 different customization options, yet we are always sure to make our products easy to use. This allows you to use our single software for anything from the smallest renovation loan to a multi-billion-dollar project.

Mitigate Risk

If you are like many companies, you are looking for ways to mitigate risk during the construction process. Our software is set up to help you with that, too. You can not only manage changes, documents, inspections, and disbursements, but you can see who has made changes and even who has review certain documents. This makes it easy to quickly follow a trail if something goes wrong.

You Can Manage Everyone You Do Business With

With Fund Control, you are able to manage 100% of your contacts in a single place. You can keep your leads, borrowers, contractors, and everyone else in the same place. What’s more, you can maintain all your contractor and broker licensing requirements, as well as your borrower relations.

The software also makes it easy to create and manage notes, letters, and memos. It automatically tracks all changes and transmittals so that you will know exactly what has occurred and who has done it. Finally, take advantage of predefined text elements and documents so that communication is standardized throughout the company. Then all the information is fully searchable.