A Close Look at Construction Technology Trends We Expect to See in 2021

A Close Look at Construction Technology Trends We Expect to See in 2021

A Close Look at Construction Technology Trends We Expect to See in 2021

Posted on January 20, 2021

A Close Look at Construction Technology Trends We Expect to See in 2021

As 2021 comes into clearer view, we expect to see some interesting technology trends taking shape. Some of them are technology trends that have been in the process for years but will have improvements in 2021, while others are entirely new. As an experienced company in the construction and fund control software services, Fund Control are excited to show you the latest trends.

Collaborative Solutions

If there is one thing that was clear after 2020, it is that it is essential to be able to both communicate and share data amongst people who are not in the same physical location. At Fund Control, we have long offered a truly collaborative option for banks, mortgage companies, disbursement companies, and others, and we expect to see these options increase.

Building Information Modeling

Also known as BIM, building information modeling is the process of creating digital representations of the physical aspects of construction. This allows for improved collaboration between the design and construction portions of projects and can help prevent surprise issues coming up halfway through construction.

Artificial Intelligence

As is true of BIM, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used with other technologies to get information that can then teach computers to learn about the industry and make decisions. AI in 2021 will focus on technology that teaches computers to mimic the thought process of contractors by looking at patterns, data, and past decisions.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are going to become more and more helpful in the construction industry in 2021. VR can provide totally immersive visualization – especially when used in conjunction with BIM. The increased use of AR and VR stands to pave the way for incredible gains in design, collaboration, and communication among all involved in a project.


There is now a plethora of wearable tech that can be embedded into apparel, PPE, and other items people already wear. However, we expect to see these go from novelty items to the norm. You should see more work boots, safety vests, hard hats, and other wearables at the average job site. Some of these wearables can track a person’s heart rate, body temperature, and other vital signs to inform their higher-ups if there is a safety issue.

Robots / Drones

Drones and robots are also helping improve safety, as they can now go complete simple, repetitive, labor-intensive tasks in places that are not safe for people to be. They can lay brick, ty rebar, and even install drywall.

At Fund Control, we are excited to see how the technology in this field will increase over the next few years. Our software is up to date today and will stay that way as we make tweaks and updates as needed. Contact us now at 800-625-5972 to learn more.